• Miss Led Workshop

    Finally it's here!

     that last month I attended Miss Led Workshop in La Galería Roja.

    This is the final piece of the work I did in the Miss Led Workshop imparted in Seville. I shared some work in progress photos of this on Instagram and Facebook. A month later I can show you the result, although I finished it a few weeks ago.

    If you had already read my May Favorites post this will sound familiar to you because I've already talked about it there.

    But I want to talk about it more deeply.
    The workshop itself was fantastic I came back home with a best experience that I expected.

    Miss Led is an illustrator that I've been admiring for a long time, I've always looked at her work in search for inspiration. So learning directly from her some techniques and how she works was something I always wanted.

    But she did much more than that. Miss Led encouraged us all to keep working, keep practising and how to start working. She also told us to not be afraid of taking shortcuts. This may sound cheesy but I've never been so confident about my art in my entire life.

    At last but not at least I've made new friends, friends with I can share my passion for art supplies, to learn new things from them and to draw with them. So yeah, it was a great experience.

    I hope you enjoyed this post and also tell me have you ever been in a workshop? Have you ever met any artist you admire? 

    See you soon :)

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